Department admission and registration policy
Students are admitted to the university according to the following categories:
1.New Students
Those who have not previously studied at higher education institutions (ie, have obtained a secondary school certificate or its equivalent).
Students are accepted into the department through the Department of the General Registrar at the university, centrally. The student’s admission to the Business Administration major depends on obtaining a specialized secondary certificate in economic sciences. The student fills out an application for admission, attaches it with the necessary documents, and then submits it to the Department of the General Registrar of the University. Anyone wishing to join the Administration Department must submit the following documents attached to the registration application: 1- Specialized secondary certificate in economic sciences or its equivalent, "original + copy". 2- Birth certificate. 3- Certificate of Void Criminal Record. 4- Health certificate. 5-(6) personal photos.
1.The original secondary certificate or its equivalent (and its equivalent if the student obtained it from outside Libya).
2. Birth certificate (passport copy for international students).
3. (6) Personal Photographs.
4. Certificate of Void Criminal Record.
5. Health Certificate.
6. Extract of the national number.
7. The original transcript approved by the institution from which the student transferred in case he\she studied at another higher education institution.
8. Attach the graduation statement and transcript in the case of students who have obtained a higher diploma and wish to complete their studies in the same specialty.
2. Transferred Students:
Those who have previously studied at a higher education institution, these students are subject to the equivalence of their previously studied subjects, which shall not exceed 50% of the total subjects required for the student to study in the department he\she is enrolled in, according to what is stipulated in the university’s admission, study and examination regulations.
3. Completion students
Students who have a high qualification (higher diploma) and wish to complete university studies, where the subjects previously studied by the student are calculated, provided that he does not change the specialization, i.e. (a number of supplementary subjects are added that qualifies him to obtain a university degree in his specialization).
After dividing the students into the previous categories, they must attach the following documents to complete the admission process:
1.The original secondary certificate or its equivalent (and its equivalent if the student obtained it from outside Libya).
2. Birth certificate (passport copy for international students).
3. (6) Personal Photographs.
4. Certificate of Void Criminal Record.
5. Health Certificate.
6. Extract of the national number.
7. The original transcript approved by the institution from which the student transferred in case he\she studied at another higher education institution.
88. Attach the graduation statement and transcript in the case of students who have obtained a higher diploma and wish to complete their studies in the same specialty.
After the student completes the previous documents and registers for the suitable category, a seven-digit registration number will be issued to him. After obtaining his own registration number, he\she will be enrolled to the e-system at the university and thus be granted an enrollment card and an entry card, and then he\she joins the study and choose the subjects to register in, accordance with the terms of the department.
The minimum number of credit hours for obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration is (131 hours).