The qualifying and training policy at Alrefak University is focused on being a sustainable process aimed at bringing about change, improvement, and continuous development in the technical and intellectual behaviors and skills of its members in order to achieve specific goals (current or future) required by the parties to the basic equation (the person on the one hand, working on the other, the university on the third hand, and society on the fourth), all of which contribute to achieving the strategic goal of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of the university's members and the quality of its outputs, which will have a positive impact on the course of its work and results.
Accordingly, the University's Training and qualifying Department is crucial as the university's active tool for generating plans, developing, designing, and implementing training programmers and workshops with structured procedures to develop and enhance the skills, knowledge, and abilities associated with the functions of university members in order to support them in addressing, correcting, and covering gaps in any aspect of their career performance.
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